Garrett Murphy told me that a former student wanted to help creating a new space behind New Cottage – it was my dream! I heard nothing nor went to look what was happening until Ron and I returned for Reunion Weekend 2019 as guests.
To start at the beginning. When I left New Cottage Dorm and moved to the townhouse we enjoyed a nice little backyard with paving stones where we had chairs and a table, grass and a little garden which I tended while there. I started thinking of all the students that had come through New Cottage and of the space behind New Cottage that used to have a backboard for practicing tennis. The backboard was no longer there and the tennis court was now a basketball court. The space beside the court was in need of some TLC.
What if I wrote a blog about the thirty eight years in New Cottage. That is over 400 students and if even 20% gave some money perhaps we could pave it, put in a raised garden and seating with tables. I mentioned my plan to administration but in the end I knew I could not do it through the school. My project was on hold and then my dream came true when Eric Herbst made it real for me by calling the school and donating to the project. No more thoughts of asking for money – it was all done. I would write the Blog anyway but no rush.
On a rainy day in May of this year – 2019 – Ron and I met Eric and Mr Viva and we cut the ribbon to a lovely, neat and clean space behind New Cottage. It even had a fire pit. Our son Andrew joined us. At this ceremony were also Benny I., Eddie A,. and Luke R., graduates from 1989 with whom we had pictures taken the next day. I had some photos sent to me lately that showed the grasses growing in the garden and dorm parents and students using the space. The flames was glowing in the fire pit and everyone looked happy.
Kenneth’s magnolia tree keeps a watch over the new space and New Cottage that both hold a special place in my heart. Thank you Eric and all the grounds staff for making my dream come true. May it be a place of fun and community for years to come.