Stones, time, memories, and Love.

A holiday experience as time stood still and memories were made.

It was an afternoon at Auchmithie Beach in Scotland with our eldest son and his children when time stood still. No computers or cellphones just the quiet lapping of the waves on the shore. Years ago I had seen a stone which was in the shape of a heart but it was embedded in a cobbled road with other stones. I took a picture of it and sent the picture to our granddaughter. As we admired the smooth stones our granddaughter said , “I am looking for a heart stone.” There are references to “a heart of stone” but this was to her a symbol of Love. As I looked and looked I was praying to find that elusive heart stone.

Something then happened to my heart. I started to look at all of the stones – perfectly smooth with years of movement by the sea and I thought of the quote from Thoreau and also of my sister and the special care she was being shown by people in the community that I now call home. I started to pick up stones and as I picked them up I thought of and prayed for each of the special people in my life. My husband thought I was mad bringing all these stones home but they were not just stones they were love stones.

Then our son came alongside me and said “Look what I found !!” It was a heart stone. Our granddaughter was ecstatic and it was just a perfect touch of Love. Enjoy the stone I have given you and share love as you always do. Remember it is the little things that make life brighter but somethings in life need time.
Love Heather

The finest workers in stone are not copper or steel tools but the gentle touches of air and water working at their leisure with a liberal allowance of time. Thoreau