SEPTEMBER 16th 2009

Today in Leonard Morse Chapel we gathered to see the presentation of a
permanent book for people to write their prayers – a “Book of Prayers”. It was
given by a close friend Dot Walsh of The Peace Abbey in Sherborn. Our pastor
Gina Praino sang “Some Peace Again” and gave a little reflection as did Linda
Giarla the hospital Chaplain. It was hard to be back in the Chapel as a family
with memories of when Kenneth was in the hospital. As I looked around at our
family and our two beautiful grandchildren, friends and people who cared for
Kenneth I felt very blessed. I came back home and read again the note that
Becky wrote, I met her by “chance” two weeks ago.

Dear Kenneth’s mom,
Feel free to use any or none of the
flowers in the Chapel. They are what
I found in my fields this morning.
One of the things I like the most about
Queen Anne’s Lace plants this time of
the year, is that you can clearly see all
the different stages of growth and life.
I put some of each stage in each
arrangement.There are still a few just
opening heads, some teenagers, some
middle age and wide open, some
starting to lose their petals and start
closing, and some fully closed but still
green.The last stem which I would like
you to have, is browned and in the
last stage of it’s life. Now the flower
head is filled with seeds that will
scatter and spread new life for the
Blessings to you and your family as
you journey through this seed
scattering stage of Kenneth’s life,
Becky Sheble – Hall

Queen Ann’s lace was Kenneth’s favorite flower. The letter about the Queen Anne’s Lace plant reminded me of Kenneth – he had it all. He was a child at heart and laughed and found pleasure in the
silliest things, He was a teenager – sometimes being a little non
conformist ! He was middle aged in his outlook because he knew much
sooner than most of us what was important in life and what gives true Joy.
As he was in the hospital he still lived his life as fully as he could – the
petals were closing but still green. He started at that point to scatter
seeds into our hearts. There is a chance of new life for each of us – we just
have to water those seeds with love and nurture them with Faith. Also
remember to always add a touch of laughter.



Chapel Flowers
Dedication page
Isaiah 40:31 Scripture
Chapel Prayer Book