“What is Christmas?”
Christmas or the Christmas Season can be many things. To some it is the birth of Jesus, to others the miracle of the lighted lamp, to others Santa Claus and gifts, and then to others it can be a sad and lonely time. No matter how we look at it we all react to love, light, giving and sharing. The funny thing is, it is not the big things that touch our hearts, it is a baby, a light on a dark night, a little hand made gift, a smile from a stranger when we feel lonely or a song from some students as we leave for a sabbatical.
The girls in New Cottage made my Christmas this year (as have other students in the past). It started when I got home from work as they were getting ready for the school dinner. It was a flurry of excitement as students were trying on dresses. Chelsea did not have a “fancy dress” so Ta loaned her one. Ta was looking for Lindsey to perhaps borrow shoes and then much to Tas’ surprise I produced a pair of elegant high heeled shoes. “Wow Mrs. Reid I did not know you wore stiletos!” “Only when I do not have to walk Ta!!” Alex looked stunning in a dress of her mother’s. Mann Wen was wearing the dress her mom got married in and Rebecca wore her traditional Korean dress.
We all went off to dinner and the first thing Chelsea said was, “Oh we have two round tables I don’t like us to be separated. Let’s push them together and squish in, “The conversations were light and funny and the students were delighted that their hard work painting the dorm window was rewarded with “2nd place” and a pizza party. Tables were cleared and we went “home” to have a party and reveal our Elfies.
All the students had been participating in the Elfing and had done some amazing hand made things for each other. Becca gave a hand made ceramic piece, some decorated doors and Mann Wen made this incredible multi media and intricate gift that took her 5 hours to make!! Before we started Yuki asked me if I had some Christmas music. I gave her a “Jingle bell jazz” CD and she ran off. Chelsea announced to me that she, Vicky and Rebecca wanted to do something as a gift to the dorm and they had to rehearse for about 15 mins. We had our Elfie revelation and lots of laughs and then the entertainment began. Yuki and Rachel had choreographed a dance to “Rocking around the Christmas tree ” – it was great. Then Chelsea, Rebecca and Vicky lip synched and danced to “Santa Baby.” They invited others to join in on the last verse and chorus. My jaw was sore laughing it was so much fun.
I went and brought out a book, “Are you going to tell us a story Mrs Reid? ” “Yes, just a little one before you go to bed” I replied. “Because you have all been so good”. I read just a little bit of “A Childs’ First Christmas in Wales” by Dylan Thomas and said that they were free to go off to bed, to pack, or to partake in some chocolate cake, ice cream , cookies, soda and of course tea. We feasted together and some helped to decorate our Christmas tree. Then we all said goodnight, gave out hugs and good wishes and retired to our beds.
“Merry Christmas Everyone, and to all a Goodnight.” This is the meaning of Christmas and the reason I have been here so long.
Mrs. Reid.