1984 and things were changing but some remained – yes we still had our skaters and two former NC students Lorna and Mary were still performing. On the other hand our enrollment of boys was increasing. Ted Wiprud was head of music with an increasing number of music students. Mrs. Perrin is our new Headmistress. We had our bookstore in the basement of Stowe – now our mailroom. Here there was all sorts of things a student needed from toothpaste to Ramin noodles. No Target back then!! The new dining hall had not even been thought of, we had no gazebo but had “Lake Louise” and of course Halloween Dinner was still a yearly attraction. This year I was a chimney, Mr. Reid a chimney sweep, Andrew – Spiderman and Kenneth a mad scientist. Charlotte I loved your perseverance. Remembering Peter who worked in the kitchen and who continued to serve the school for many years. Everyone knew Peter.
We still had coin operated washers and dryers and also coin operated phones. No individual phones or cell phones in these days. Quarters were at a premium and I used to save mine for any dorm emergency. One of our first New Cottage students BJ graduated in 1985. Another graduate then was Margaret S. Margaret returned to WHS some years later and was a dorm parent in Westerly. An advert in the year book for Howard Johnston’s but now in 2017 there is only one left in the country. Our children are growing and Stuart is in High School. This year 1985 Mr Taylor’s presence with us has been sorely missed after he passed away in 1984.