In January 2003 we welcomed Lindsey as our new dorm parent and of course her dog Baxter. Another year of returning students and also quite a few were seniors since we were an upperclassman dorm. This year Jeremy was our dorm president and did a great job organizing activities. The Christmas coffee house held in the campus center was a great success. Six seniors graduated from our dorm in June. Sam, Jeremy, Riley, Souichi, Jin, and Greg. Riley donated a brand new Rooster to replace our well used mascot. His family also bought a new TV, VHS and video player for the dorm. Our new addition Andy brought along his game system and the students loved the new additions. Andy was a great Beatles fan and was amazed to find out that a band that Mr. Reid was in actually opened for the Beatles. Andy had quite a technique for wakening up in the morning! Little things that I remember – Noah’s perfect room with comfy chair and footstool. Souichi with his gallon of milk. Joe WS, a Mac addict like our son Kenneth and also Joe’s love of film production before it was offered at WHS. Jeremy carving an incredible pumpkin, his lost shoe and the heartfelt letter. John C, Monty Python of course. The great T shirts that we had with the rooster on the front and the names and numbers on the back – football anyone? Jin with many friends – see his senior page. Then we have Sam and his sense of humor! It ended up being a very good year especially for Mr Carver’s teddy bear picnics.