Adjusting to a switch back to boys again! This was to be a year of lots of activities and energy. Owen, our dorm president came to New Cottage with lots of ideas and he and Andrew were great at making Sushi for the Samurai and Sushi night which was well attended by lots of students. Their Baconfest was also another great hit later in the year. I had the pleasure of making bacon brownies! Sheila is still with us and she grew some great vegetables to share. In turn the boys wrote some nice notes on her white board for her birthday. Loved Kori’s smile and also his performances. Andrew did NOT need Red Bull. We would “draw the line” by his door at study time. His check in call “Honey I’m home” and he was given the “Class clown” at year end. Halloween was always fun. Mrs C. worked for NCIS. Antonia visited with her Mad Hatter costume and Tae won was Tae won in hockey gear. Great to be able to discuss hockey with a WHS student. Graham terrified unsuspecting students as they walked along the dimly lit hallway. Alex and friend were Batman and Robin and I have no idea who Andrew was with his black and white mask. Great gingerbread house and all dressed well for Boar’s Head dinner – still in the dining hall. Kevin and the dorm did a great take off of the Obama poster with Ho Ho Hope – very clever. Loved the Elfie time with the Men of New Cottage. Kevin was confused with duct tape, Owen liked his coffee and Sheila always enjoyed herself – especially since she got socks! There were more Asian students at the school so we celebrated Lunar New Year and Sheila wore her traditional Korean dress. N. C. Easter bunny continues to delight the “wee ones.” Dorm pranks surfaced this year and Westerly left a paper trail and Sheila was water bombed by mistake. When the boys attempted to booby trap the door the activity was quickly halted! Duante had the best penmanship I had ever seen and his talent was put to good use – I am sure he remembers the what and why. Outside the dorm I remember Anya in her lovely peach gown giving her senior recital and also Moon sun bringing me to tears at her recital. Ingmar P P attended WHS and I remembered going to his mom’s wedding in Hamilton, MA and visiting with his mom Helen P when he was a baby. The musical this year was great and Andrew really made me laugh. The musical this year was great and Andrew really made me laugh. Awards night was always good fun and I remember Graham looking very British wearing his cravat. Konrad was such a great sport all year. His quote on his senior page from John Adams was memorable. Also I realized that boys can clean their rooms ! Alex wrote a really nice note in his senior page. I enjoyed our little chats together. This was a year of energy, creativity and good fun. Well done “Men of New Cottage.” Andrew wrote a quote in his senior page,”Choose a job that you love and you will never work a day in your life. Now I know that I never ever worked in New Cottage.