Liz B., Seowon K., Taylor A., Sammie B T., Tess B., Rebecca G., Moon Sun Y., Antonia D., Ester K., Maddie B., Sofia L., Jamie and Min Ju were in New Cottage for all or part of the year. Memories of the start of the year with Antonia’s birthday, the boat trip and of course tea. Maddie loved the sugar cubes! I still have a lovely note that was left after one of the teas. Dorm dinners were fun and our Dorm President Heidi was always there with Antonia and others to help out. Our inter dorm activity around Christmas was Hot Chocolate with cookies and a movie in the Campus Center – ah yes we have a lovely Campus Center. We drank many cups of hot chocolate and tea in the cold winter ahead. Taylor’s mom came by and asked if she could leave something for her birthday! Everyone would get startled when they saw “him” in Taylor’s room. Elfie Reveal after the Holiday Dinner was always a real laugh. So many pictures but I included just a few. Sammie’s mom popped in with a gift and stayed for some dessert and revelry. We decorated the tree and Ester did some hair braiding, Antonia conducted The Kazoo Choir and then we watched the British animated movie called The Snowman. The expression on Liz’s face was magical. Rebecca and Sofia were our two mid year students who participated 100% in everything. Lots of snow and ice and a fall down concrete stairs resulting in a broken arm etc. The school bought me a recliner on which I slept for six weeks with Dougie The Monkey. Sheila and Mr. Reid did well covering the dorm. In response to the Japanese Tsunami Heidi spearheaded an event to make cranes. Students, staff and faculty helped. We collectively made 1,097 cranes!! I remember Seowon keeping us healthy with her “Jumping Jacks.” Some of our former students that graduated were Lana, Katherine and Daphne as well as Heidi our current dorm pres. Morgan B’s senior page was so heartwarming and Daphne’s page had a poem with a lovely ending. “And home appears, and over tea – steam – swirls, we chat.” That was our dorm this year tea and chats amongst and with each other