Seen here are Eric H., Morgan B., Quinn K., Eddy K., Nam Gon L.,Collin H., Antonio M., Ben R., Jan S., Steve L., and Richard K. Richard left later in the year and Daniel C., joined New Cottage. Once again the all school boat trip was on a great day and Mrs. Myer and her new baby came along. Everyone dressed really nicely for class night but Richard had changed and spilt his water before I could catch him. Cooper did a great job with Haunted Cottage – live the Scream!! The students always enjoyed any food I made and they always enjoyed dorm dinners – complete with sparkling cranberry juice served in wine glasses. Antonio had food allergies and I got an apple crisp recipe from his mom. I still make it every year in the Fall. Easter Egg Hunt continues and Ms Suskin brought along her granddaughter and then stayed for tea and scones. Jan had a friend visit that day and had his bread and cheese from “Whole Foods.” I gave him a dyed “free range” egg to add to his repast. Ben did a great job in Jesus Christ Superstar and was given an appropriate gift at The New Cottage Awards night. Eddy wore Sheila’s Mardi Gras hat in honor of finding the baby in his piece of King cake. Students were actually working in these pictures and not posing for the camera. On March 1st 2009 our son Kenneth died. Sheila is seen here with Kenneth’s brothers. The school planted a tree and the dorm bought a stone – more about this in “Kenneth’s Tree.” Sheila helped chaperone the Prom in May and a former student Edward S. wanted his picture taken with her. Quinn shaved his head in honor of “The New Cottage Rooster” and Jan liked his reusable tote bag. Many of our former and some present students graduated. I always like reading The Summit. Best hair Eric H., and Cassie L. Best to take home to mom and dad Ben R., and Megan W. I loved the letter that Travis W O., wrote. Dedication was to Ms Suskin. Two good Senior Prophesies were – Jan S.,- most likely to compose a symphony about organic foods. Eric H., – most likely to not age before our 10 year anniversary. I can confirm that Eric’s prophesy was fulfilled. I saw Eric in 2018 and again in 2019 for a very special dedication. He has not aged and he fulfilled a dream of mine. The story will be written near the completion of my Blog.