Mark McC., returns to New Cottage as our dorm president. We welcome Spencer D., Cooper J., Nam Dom L., Jeff L., Shawn M., Edward S., Ethan V N., Travis WO., Kedar W., Evan W. Boys were back and also the video games. Things I remember – Spencer drawing a logo for New Cottage – tea, bagpipes and kilts – fun. Eric ‘belting” in the evening and singing was banned after 10-30pm! Food was a feature in the dorm. Kedar “dressing” for tea. Travis loved scones and others brought friends for tea. Lindsey and Mike helped serve brunch on their 1st wedding anniversary. Cooper really getting into Halloween and also Alex and friend. Started the Christmas hat tradition for those who wanted to and wearing the sequin hat to guess our Elfie. Boys have quite an imagination when creating gifts and performing. Shawn dancing for his Elfie Eric – hysterical but photo not published. Mr. Reid always helped with the dishes and got a new guitar for Christmas! Shawn and his talking monkey. His two chairs. Lots of laughs , lots of characters. The continuation of the Easter Egg hunt – see Mrs. Cassel keeping an eye on Jordan. Mike did a good job tabulating the winners. Andrew’s car taking the hit for Lindsey. Then the mother’s day story. A missing student. Can you see why we missed him? Lesson – do not go into another students room and fall asleep on the floor. Keep floors clear at all times. This was a year that Lindsey will never forget and we will never forget Lindsey.