From the boat trip in September until graduation in June this was a year of friendship and family. Zach had gone from leopard spot hair to a regular cut, from punk to J Crew. His senior prophecy was, “fashion plate.” We enjoyed going to his graduation party and Mr. Reid met Brad another rhythm guitarist! Some of our students did the “see me twice” trick in the school photo running from one side to the other. Yeah Dana! The students loved pizza parties, scones, tea, and decorating our Christmas tree. All part of the family. Ben B’s year book quote was, “Music is enough for a lifetime but lifetime is not enough for music. – Rachmaninov.” He also used a picture of “my New Cottage Boys” from the previous year. Good friendships. Jin Yoel was a popular young man – see him surrounded by girls on the boat trip. Jin K preferred a quiet tete-tete below deck. Desmond says farewell to his buddies Kee and Tao. Years later we had the pleasure of meeting Tao’s mother and sharing stories together. Sandy was our deep thinker and his senior prophecy was, “Most likely to be sporting a black raincoat.” We miss Jammin’s enthusiasm and love of life. Mrs. Cassel worked with the demo crew behind the kitchen – interesting what she found. A year of fond farewells and happy memories.