We were happy to have Karl Mini return as dorm parent. What a difference a year makes! The dorm was full of energy, fun and certainly creativity. They were so much into video games that I swear that they thought they were the characters at times. The voice department under the leadership of Patti Thom was producing some excellent singers one of whom was in our dorm. We enjoyed hearing Ben perform. Others in our dorm were theater, art and music majors but no dancers. Nick and Eric were great actors both on stage and in the dorm! Enjoyed performances from Josh and compositions penned by Will. Matt was our resident artist and Pat made incredible chain mail. I still have a little piece somewhere around. I was so intrigued at how it was made and Pat gave me a small piece. Wonderful conversations with Eric about dorm rules and also with Oliver about Study Hall. Perhaps Eric is now a lawyer? They really made us laugh. Three of our students were seniors this year Matt D., Oliver S., and Pat B. Also two from last year. It was about this time that the Math Dept. stopped using Saxon math. I found an old photo of them with John Saxon – author. The school went back to black and white for the all school photo. Mr. Reid is flanked by Jim Woodside and Justine Hand. Justine worked in External Relations but was also a former student. Do you like Ken T’s boots? Mr. Reid was working on the school’s FIRST WEBPAGE. The first Video Club was started. There was a faculty appreciation party with a Mardi Gras theme. Carol Sereda – dance – and her husband Mark won “Best Costume” and Mrs. Reid – moi – won “Best Makeup.” I gave Mr. R congas for his Christmas but he had the same rules as the dorm – quiet after 10- 30pm!!
This was the year of fun and laughs in “New Castle.”