Well well 1994 had some monumental things happen. The Chunnel Tunnel opened between England and France. Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa and Netscape Navigator is released and becomes the leader for browsing the web. How did the Seniors see 1994? Most significant current event- Bosnia. Least significant current event- Tonya and Nancy. and the best band was Pearl Jam. Quite a few laughs in the dorm this year especially Sacha’s birthday “gift.” He was a really good sport and also a really good musician. We remember William K., who loved to sleep and instead of saying “Study Hall” Mr Reid would go into William’s room and ask “William sleeping?” but he would say it in Korean – or at least try to. William had a great sense of humor and Mr. Reid remembers at graduation noticing that when William was playing in the chamber music group accompanying the choir he would make faces and try to make them laugh. In this yearbook we can see Mrs Perrin as Wendy in Peter Pan and Steve Durning with lots of hair. Satohiro K. one of our former students graduated this year and so I looked up the car he was pictured in. It was a rare supercar by BMW called the Nazca M12 and it went on the market in 2011 for close to $1.1 million. Must have been a nice car. Along with Satohiro many others graduated this year and it was sad to see many leave. Sacha P., Nick S.,San-Jin P., Rodrigo G., Shelton P., William K., Noel H., also two students who would visit with us and come to church Sarah B., and Courtney G. San-Jin wrote in his Senior page “It is very hard to say good -bye to all of you just now, but it is necessary for friends who will meet again.” I have so enjoyed seeing students when they return and especially when Sarah and Courtney have returned and I have had the pleasure of seeing and babysitting their children. This was the year of many goodbyes.