Some good fun in the dorm with Eric’s keep fit classes and many cookouts. Our resident “dancer” was in RM23 who loved dancing to Michael Jackson. We heard “ABC” over and over again! This was the year that RM 14 was always immaculate and has never been quite that way since. Even the old water pipes looked nice with a special wrapping. Satohiro was one of the tidiest and well dressed students in my career of dorm parenting. Aids was a current topic and there was education and a two page fact sheet in the yearbook. There was an art store downtown which was added plus for the Visual Artists to buy their supplies. The school photo shows Mr. Carver with one of his bears – but not his Harley. It was and can be quite cold in New England and all the staff were well wrapped up. Our past and present seniors were Sang-Bak S., John W., Ros F., and of course Max A. Max was a very creative student who gave teachers, the school, the food and the dorm parents a grade at the end of the year. I will not write what they were but the dorm parents collectively manage to just pass with a C but did get an A+ for effort!!! A senior superlative was “Most likely to save the world” John W. He certainly helped brighten the school grounds with the daffodil plantings. Do you remember Sasha Mrs. Perrin’s dog and also the year that the seniors put the school “up for sale!!”
This year I remember cook-outs, keep fit and the dancing in RM23.