Another year of boys and Andrew and Kenneth were having a lot of fun with another twelve older brothers. Lots of funny stories too numerous to tell. The boys got hooked on skateboards after watching Jason. These friendships our younger children had with the students backfired somewhat when I took them to see Benny perform in a play. During the play Benny was “killed” and Andrew started crying and saying “They killed Benny.” I took him home and let him stay up to see Benny return safely. After that I always asked the full content of the play before allowing the boys to come with us. A lesson well learned. Fun having quite a few return from the year before and we started having some pot luck dinners now and again which the boys enjoyed. Halloween this year I colored the front of my hair and was Cyndi Lauper – I think the students were surprised that I knew who she was. Our seniors were Jeff, Charles and Dylan. Many years later our son Stuart returned from Europe to be part of Dylan’s wedding party along with Sullivan and Jesse. These were to be long lasting friendships.