What do I remember from that year? Since some of our students moved to an upper class dorm we took the opportunity to have a “New Cottage Alum” night and invited our former students back for cake – see picture below. We had eight skaters in the school and Diana was one of them. I remember that the skaters got up very early in the morning and were transported to a local ice rink to train – all before their first class – real dedication. There were also 12 gymnasts at WHS some of whom were in New Cottage and this year the International Club had thirty two members. A huge milestone was admitting five BOYS who resided in The Grey House located by the Headmaster’s House. This was also the first year that as a family we took part in Halloween. That year I went as a tooth fairy, Mr. Reid as a dentist and our oldest son Stuart as a tube of toothpaste. I cannot remember what our two youngest dressed as. There was a Halloween dinner and everyone paraded around the dining hall and were judged for a number of different categories. The faculty also dressed up and I remember our newly appointed headmaster Mr. Herrick participating fully in the evening and Mrs. Tumelaire, our recently appointed Dean of Students, also getting into the spirit of things and dressing up. Our dorm had fun making costumes and I remember Liz dying a mop head for her Raggedy Ann costume – years later I did the same for my costume. In November some students celebrated Andrew’s first birthday with us and the girls loved to play with him. Katia was a great babysitter for us. Birthdays were always fun times and back then we did not have funding for parties so I enjoyed making personalized cakes since I was not working during the day and had time.There was a “No open flame policy” in the dorms but as a dorm parent I was allowed to have candles for the cakes as long as I was there. At that time there was also the famous ”Moke” – the name for the student smoking lounge in the basement of the Dance Barn. How things have change for safety and health.